Mrs. Buchholz > Journalism


​Jour​nalism is in its fifth year as an option for the Garretson students this year.  The students' primary charge is to generate an original school newspaper, Blue Ink, each week.  Please click on the links at the left side for copies of the latest issue as well as previous editions and pictures from Garretson school events.

In the class, the students will learn technical writing styles, analytical approaches and techniques as well as evaluate current media and issues in it, bias, and journalistic expectations and rules.​  Students also explore how media and communications have evolved to stay relevant. This includes extended writing for publications like a yearbook as well as weekly writings for the paper. New to the world of journalism is the integration of social media so through different avenues such as Twitter and Snapchat the students are finding various ways to reach their audience.


 Grading Scale

Garretson High School Grading Scale
​A100 - 95
​Grades are earned, not given.  
If you ever have any questions, please ask.  